New homes for Kineton Road

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Richborough will shortly be submitting an outline planning application to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council for around 300 new homes on land east of Kineton Road in Wellesbourne.  

The site is located to the south-east of Wellesbourne, east of Kineton Road. As well as providing new high-quality family housing in Wellesbourne, we are proposing improvements to the existing right of way and significant public open space which will include play spaces. 

Before finalising and submitting an outline planning application to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council, Richborough hosted a public consultation from 21st November to 5th December 2024, inviting the community to comment on the plans and share their feedback. The period for submitting feedback has now closed as the project team considers your feedback.

On this website you can find more detail about the proposals and read our handy FAQs.

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Richborough is seeking your views as they prepare an outline planning application

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Why does Wellesbourne need new homes?

Providing new homes is important not only locally but nationally. It gives people a place to live for themselves and their families. It also helps support the local economy and can provide new infrastructure and open spaces for the local community. This specific site is safeguarded within the Neighbourhood Plan which means it can be brought forward for development. This will help the delivery of new homes to achieve the five-year supply of housing that the Council is required to have.

We recognise that Wellesbourne is a desirable place to live because of its close proximity to the M40 and large nearby employers, such as Jaguar Land Rover, the MoD and Wellesbourne Distribution Park.

What is an outline planning application?

An outline planning application agrees the principle of development on a site. That’s why you may not see the level of detail in the plans you would expect. If an outline planning application is granted planning permission, this must be followed by a reserved matters planning application, which must also receive its own planning permission. This will contain cover the detailed aspect of the design of the new homes and final layout.  

How can I find out more and have my say?

Freephone 0808 1688 296 to leave a message and a member of the team will call you back.

You can email the project team at

Richborough is one of the UK’s leading independent land promoters.

Established in 2003, Richborough uses its land, planning and commercial expertise to identify sites and secure planning permission on behalf of landowners, delivering buildable schemes in the most efficient manner. It has a team of over 40 professionals and support staff who specialise in planning, surveying, architecture, urban design, engineering, housebuilding and development.

About Richborough Estates

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