New homes for Kineton Road
Stratford-upon-Avon District Council is legally required to bring forward sites for housing to meet its needs, which includes Wellesbourne. The Council is required to maintain a five year supply of housing sites against its need, which we have demonstrated the Council currently does not have. Therefore, it needs to bring forward sites such as this to increase its supply and ensure people in the area have homes to live in.
35% of the housing delivered as part of the proposals will be affordable housing, which is compliant with Stratford-upon-Avon's local policies.
No, the site is not in the Green Belt.
Any planning permission will be required to make contributions towards local schools and healthcare facilities, if requested This will be discussed with the council and other consultees through the application process, and any necessary contributions can be secured through a Section 106 legal agreement.
Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Wellesbourne Road via two new priority-controlled T-junctions with appropriate measures for driver visibility. The development will also enhance the pedestrian and cycle access to the existing Public Right of Way on Kineton Road.
The proposals will meet a policy-compliant mix of parking spaces for each dwelling which is as follows:
1 parking space for a one-bedroom home
2 parking spaces for a two- to three-bedroom home
3 parking spaces for a four-bedroom home
The parking in the proposals will focus on providing parking spaces on private drives but will also include on-street parking. The exact mix will be determined at any future reserved matters planning application.
The site lies within Flood Zone 1, meaning that it is an area with the lowest probability of flooding. Subject to a flooding risk assessment and the design process, a drainage pond will be included on the site with a drainage swale allowing water to flow into the stream to the north.
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